Join The Illuminati New world order



Life is a map that is drawn by your decisions. Every day, the maze of existence presents you with hundreds of pathways and you must select a direction through your choices. How will you spend your time? Where will you go? Who will you speak to? What will you say? Each decision leads to a different road with its own set of questions.

Your ability to discern between the simplest choices can mean the difference between a life of wealth or poverty, sickness or health, conflict or peace. A small decision that you make today may be the catalyst that sends you on the road to your goals — though you will never know how important this choice is until you reach the end and look back.


Financial advance

We changed your life from poor to rich. You will receive money because you know that life and money move together in this world. So, join the Illuminati and receive cash as soon as you register.


political and social nature

Many members who belonged to various movements in the 18th century were members of the Illuminati. It was political and social in nature, as members were constantly advocating significant changes in their respective governments.


Prepares individuals for greatness

There are many benefits to being Illuminati, such as providing you with the opportunity to fellowship and share knowledge with other members. It also gives you the opportunity to mentor those who wish to achieve wealth and general well-being. Members are reminded to value ethics, morality and principles, while others find satisfaction in advancing their positions in society.


Offers coexistence and companionship

The Illuminati stands for peace, fellowship and unity in society, regardless of its color, race and class. Members of the Illuminati also receive immortality.


Our Core Beliefs


Money is not the root of all evil, money is the route to all freedom. The selfish pursuit of money is a hollow goal, but the pursuit of the goodness that money can create is one of humanity’s greatest responsibilities.


Living humans evolve at a rapid pace and continue to advance in ability through study, practice, and self-improvement. The human species is guarded by a coalition of its most elite members called the Illuminati.


Every human is guided by an inner compass that points toward the Light, revealing truth and direction amidst decisions. All human spiritual beliefs ultimately seek the Light in ways differing only in form and function.


Money is not the root of all evil, money is the route to all freedom. The selfish pursuit of money is a hollow goal, but the pursuit of the goodness that money can create is one of humanity’s greatest responsibilities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Members of the Illuminati are free to follow any religious faith they choose, as long as such belief does not conflict with the preservation of the human species.

For anyone to claim that the Illuminati is affiliated with a religious belief — be it God or Satan, Baphomet or Baal — undermines the very purpose of our independence from human divisions. We neither accept nor deny any deity and hold none to be higher than any other.

The Illuminati’s purpose is the preservation of the human species. Therefore, human sacrifices or any practice that does not serve the betterment of mankind would counter everything we represent, and are thus prohibited in all circumstances.

While many have attributed such actions to our members, these connections are based only in rumor.

Many citizens have asked why a global organization would relinquish their hold upon their deepest secrets in such a public manner. Why risk turning a population against us when secrecy has served so well?

The age of Illuminatiam approaches. The people of this planet are ready to accept the Light. And our enemies will do nothing because they do not believe we exist.

The revelations in the Testament have been in effect for decades, but they were already being planned decades earlier than that. Anyone who reads the Testament or our other tools as a means to subvert our authority will find their scheme to be futile. The components are so deeply established in modern society, there is nothing anyone could do to change them even if they tried. Not even the world’s most powerful leaders can alter planetary law.

There will always be a voice whispering that the Illuminati does not exist. Our hold upon the modern human subconscious inclines our enemies to dismiss our public outreach as a hoax and something they can simply do nothing about. In this way, doubt remains our strongest defense.

The Illuminati has no association with any religious worship or belief. Any connections between our organization and another is purely rumor or baseless speculation.

Members of the Illuminati are free to follow any religious faith they choose, as long as such belief does not conflict with the preservation of the human species.

Follow The Light

Millions of people from all walks of life have committed themselves to the betterment of the human species. By forgoing all divisions of religious, geographical, or political beliefs, followers of Illuminatiam strive to form a planet where all people, in all places, can live in Abundance.

The Illuminati has pointed me in the direction to start my path of enlightenment. For that I am beyond grateful. The Illuminati is not just changing my life – we're changing mankind.
I stand with the Illuminati now Since then, I haven't feared going into college and I've even spread the message to friends from all walks of life. It's good to know someone is watching humanity with best of intentions.
Johnson duck
I stand with the Illuminati now Since then, I haven't feared going into college and I've even spread the message to friends from all walks of life. It's good to know someone is watching humanity with best of intentions.
Mike Sendler
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